Green-certified goods warehouse

Organic certification is granted to products and services that comply with the requirements established by the Department of Agriculture of the European Commission. In Spain, this certification is managed by the Directorate General for the Environment. Any business directly related to food production can be certified, which is why Antonio Marco already has its organic certification.

Are Bio, Organic and Ecological the same?

Currently, we tend to mix terminology on how we catalog organic products, entering the scene the term BIO (from Biological) and Organic. Before going deeper into the body of this post, we would like to clarify the difference between these three terms.

– BIO is that food “Bio” or “Biological” which is not genetically manipulated, genetically manipulated products we have the well known transgenic.

– Organic are those products that have not had any relation with chemical products, and, in addition, that only products of 100% natural origin have been used.

– Organic are those products that require producers and marketers to take special care throughout all stages of the food chain of the product, as well as to monitor their environmental impact. The latter is not so much established by the certifying public authority, as it is more complicated to measure, but it does entail: working in a green environment and sustainable production, as well as meaning that no chemical synthesis products or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been used, respecting each of the product’s natural cycles.

What are the differences between organic and conventional food?

We are not scientists, nor will we evaluate the nutritional value of an organic product and a conventional one, that is not our domain. The big difference will be found in the process, in the environmental impact and also in the aesthetics. As for example in the difference between a vine tomato that comes out of a Dutch greenhouse and an organic tomato from the coast of Granada in Carchuna with zero chemical treatments and a premeditated care throughout the supply chain to position it on the supermarket shelf.

We would also like to point out that an organic yogurt may contain more sugars than a non-organic one, why? This may be due to the fact that an organic yogurt contains more bacteria, it could be more acidic and need more added sugar to counteract the acidity. However, a lower intake of chemicals in organic foods could benefit our digestion. Before you buy, as a consumer, read the label and its ingredients, and decide for yourself.

How do you know if the products you consume are organic?

All products with organic or ecological characteristics are labeled with official seals. The EU Organic Bio Logo is one of the most important.

In recent years, the Spanish organic market has only grown, therefore, the process of transport and storage also has to adapt to the needs of these products and get respect the chain of custody and certification. From Antonio Marco we can offer you these services of Organic Warehouse and we will explain below all its advantages.

What products can be stored in a certified organic warehouse?

Organic products, in addition to meeting the requirements of organic products, respect the production process and comply with the requirements of sustainability and respect for the ecosystem. That is to say, they grow under totally natural conditions that imply some characteristics such as;

  • Soil free of chemical substances.
  • Use of organic seeds.
  • Unpolluted irrigation water.
  • No pesticides or fertilizers are applied.
  • Respect for nature in the growing stages.

Once the producer has carried out each of the stages, he needs a logistic warehouse to stock his products. It is mandatory to store the goods in an organic warehouse. Antonio Marco has just obtained organic certification to guarantee its customers the possibility of storing and then distributing their organic products.

Why is ECO certification important for our customers?

Organic products have been playing an important role in the trade for a long time and are increasing, although the price differentiation compared to conventional products hinders their penetration. The sale of organic products is often perceived as an indicator of quality.

For a product to reach the consumer with the category of organic, certification is required to ensure that the products have been produced and controlled throughout the production process, processing, packaging and marketing. This is where the work of Antonio Marco comes in, guaranteeing quality in food traceability after the production and packaging process. Providing the necessary logistics services to reach the final consumer following the instructions of our customers.

An organic goods warehouse can collect any type of organic product without breaking the custody of organic certification, this encompasses both and today, the treatment between the two is not differentiated (see section 1 for further clarification). The process of organic storage of fruits and vegetables is one of the most important, the logistics warehouse can not store in the same sector: cold storage, beach or surface without sectoring, conventional goods with organic. In addition, the traceability and labeling of the product must be differentiated at all times. That is why it is so important to have a reliable warehouse, because depending on the distribution and placement of the goods in the warehouse, you will be able to protect them more and save more costs.

Our organic warehouse in Alicante, as well as the organic warehouse in Murcia, allows us to offer our customers the services of cold storage and dry storage.

What added value can AM bring to its customers working with BIO?

Our certification as an organic goods warehouse imposes certain requirements on us to guarantee the quality of our customers’ food products. Within a commercial circuit, the producers and suppliers of these products must be certified. The certification guarantees to the consumer that their product has respected the standards imposed by the Organic Agriculture Committee of the Valencian Community at all stages of the supply chain.

All this allows us to add value in the supply chain, as well as to expand the range of services that Antonio Marco as a logistics warehouse, can provide to each of its customers who work with organic goods.

We are currently audited in IFS Logistics, we have the SANDACH certificate and currently, we have just obtained the certificate to store organic and BIO products. IFS and organic warehouse certificate, focused for all our customers in the fruit and vegetable sector.